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THE VORTEX VII: Sacred Geometry and Seeing from the Internal "Eye".


Aa a channel and artist, I am guided to dig  deep into the science of the human Kingdom offering Solutions in these very intense times of shifts and changes and creating new vortexes that keep people going because during such a special time  on the planet we need to accelerate really really quickly  in order for us to invite a level of purification we had forgotten about;  and dive back into our Divinity, dive back into our divine connection, the I am that I am Vortex in pure white purified Light with the LITE SELF.

As I'm coming up here with the next Vortex, as it has been a whole series with these vortexes;  I hope you enjoyed them. One  can revisit my blog and all the information is on there but for those uh experiencing some difficult time not knowing how to cope with present day  information; present day life actually that turns around our psyche or psychology or lifestyle or philosophy. Everything that we have become until today is massively changing,  so it's not a matter of keeping up with it;  it's a matter of flowing with it and creating that new vortex in connectivity with all Divine sources and forces because the entire Cosmos is changing and that is huge for everybody to understand if you've not been educated into it and what you can do  to realign because it's becoming unthinkable not to  Give our Power to the Divine and reclaim our power.

it is a time to set that straight and to reset Life. My former blog and video was all about reclaiming your power and how to do that and how it works and why doesn't it work. Alll those things are important;  but if we can set ourselves in alignment to the Divine then chances are things will move very good for you and very quickly and it's a matter of truly being in alignment.  So the new hype here is not really like being good to people and and all that stuff ; it's about being in alignment,  being in your truth,  being in your power, and  reclaiming everything  you may have forgotten. When we talk about creation, it truly started off with the Alpha Omega that has stations in many places all over the globe.

When you connect in meditation with the Alpha Omega design, which is the first and easiest thing to set up for yourself , albeit many forget this particular Origin in Crystalline White light white light. It represents everything  because it holds all the vibrations of all the millions and billions of colors codes and they cannot fuse with the body unless opening that vortex in bright white lightning first;  because it offers the lightning bolts streaming all over the planet right now. A Lightning Bolt is like a double seven as part of numerology.  When you pull that double seven in your brain waves and energy field;  it creates a Vortex.  That white Vortex,  if you invite your white quite Christ light Vortex in and through your entire embodiment ; will shift Consciousness really really quickly because it offers the potential to change your circulation system; yet will also to rewire the brain very quickly. Opening that Vortex into a white Eternal spiral  is of high value today. 

The New Design opening through the Heart Centre and High Heart is the AMETHYST DODECAHEDRON assisting the process into immunity to anything negative,  to any density,  and can be applied with the white lightning Bolt,  with a white Vortex to be opened throughout the body as well just opening that up through the spinal column,  and inviting the Code to reset your brain. It is a great way  to set self up for meditation, yet  many people may still find that beginning point a little difficult. 

The White Vortex pulsing through the White Diamond of Living Light as part of the Body of Light:

Moving back into a Self Empowered body, starts with aligning to the purification process offered by White Light in the body; until the body and the brain starts dancing with Light, until it feels the pulsation of light , always creating and recreating Vortexes.

The Chi energies will start shifting and changing as well as the composition of hair, nails, the skin as one will feel the mutational option gifted by the Great White ray and way. White light opens up into transparency so the huge shifts here coming in are truly opening up that Crystal Clear Vision in into a bigger space with the Divine mind that opens up into the Alpha Omega but also the Etherial body which is a necessity  start seeing and receiving codes like these.

It is important to learn to work with energies and with frequencies. Rising vibrations up to a higher frequency in a way that the internal body and our inner psyche, philosophy, and belief system can change quickly are offered through these alignments that are CHANNELED MESSAGES OR LIGHT CODE ACTIVATION.

Meditation is all about breath work,  it's about uploading the breath into the Eternal breathing system,  into the immortal breathing system,  into the breath that opens the wings through the lungs with expanded consciousness. This way we can receive  more and more designs or lLight Codes,  or certain vortexes that move with the Physical body and the Energy Field. Meditation is supposed to be fun,  in trying to understand Codes and Designs. So anyone aligning to the New series : LIGHT CODE ACTIVATION will be gifted with the explanation of a code . And if you are receiving coeds, it requires a little bit of patience to start understanding their meaning and strength. One may start to experience more facets of Self,  and just like a gemstone or crystal that has been faceted;  it has many different facets within it;  so we we have billions of facets of the self moving not only into the higher selves that integrate and which is also termed the spark Self;  but the spark self should or could meet up in a vibration where it starts communicating continuously through the brainwaves . When moving into a Vortex of purification that is the most important Vortex;  especially here with the assistance of Amethyst crystals from many different countries. If you would love to reclaim your Eternal vibration,  reclaiming your power, reclaiming everything you wish for;  it can be done when in alignment.You may want to listen to my former video about reclaiming anything and what it takes to do so.

The Amethyst Ray, the Purple Dodecahedron, especially with the white purification create actually a new alignment through the body that opens up the joy of creation;  and when you're in the joy of creation you can create anything and undo or delete any Consciousness, or hassle, or problematic static, or depressions, or stress factors, fear factors and all those old belief systems that are connected to these negative aspects can cut your vibration down very very quickly.

A Code teaches how to move out of these intense times that are going on and it is for everybody, with or without any former experience, willing to experience new things . It is also for everybody willing to gain knowledge,  to gain insight,  to change the inner philosophy, to open up the spark within, the spirit that guides us, and the inner psyche that has the ability to command changes from within. When you feel that you are “flowing” in alignment and knowing how to flow with a Vortex, one can start commanding desired outcomes and experience quick shifts and changes in life.

Nothing is more important then opening the Individual Channel to flow free Spirited with the I am Presence fully activated into the Universal Eternal Self. Clearing the channel is part of the Purple Dodecahedron and Vortex with The Violet Flame as well as the Lavender Bird flowing through a wide open channel.

The alignments can be as soft or as intense as desired for when we are guided through DIVINE WILL, alignments manifest in what is perfect for the Individual which one may sense like feeling Light Years ahead of the mundane old worlds.

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